Waka- Massage Therapist


Blair- Massage Therapist


Mira- Massage Therapist


Ellie- Massage Therapist

Welcome to the world of massage therapy, where skilled practitioners like Waka, Blair, and Mira offer a diverse range of treatments to promote physical and mental well-being. Massage is an ancient healing art that involves the manipulation of soft tissues in the body, primarily through hands-on techniques. It's a holistic approach that not only relieves tension and stress but also enhances circulation, reduces pain, and fosters relaxation.

Meet Waka, a seasoned therapist who specializes in relaxation massage, reflexology, deep tissue massage, and visceral manipulation. With Waka's expertise, you can experience profound relaxation and relief from muscle tension, allowing your body to heal and rejuvenate naturally.

Blair is another valued member of our team, offering a unique set of skills in relaxation/Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and sports remedial massage. Whether you're looking for a calming escape or need targeted therapy for specific issues, Blair's therapeutic touch can cater to your individual needs.

Mira is well-versed in various massage techniques, including the soothing Swedish relaxation massage, the luxurious hot stone massage, and the rejuvenating Ventosa cupping therapy. Her dedication to the craft shines through in every session, as she aims to provide you with the utmost relaxation and therapeutic benefits.

Ellie is an experienced level 6 massage therapist specializing in myofascial release techniques. Dedicated to alleviating tension and promoting holistic well-being through skilled hands-on therapy. Committed to helping clients achieve optimal health and mobility.

At our practice, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and our therapists collaborate to ensure you receive the best possible care. Explore our range of massage therapies to find the perfect fit for your body and mind. Experience the transformative power of massage today and take the first step towards a healthier, more relaxed you.