How do viruses and bacteria make us sick?

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We are constantly bombarded every second of the day by bacteria and viruses. They become a problem when your immune system is overloaded by stress, poor nutrition, disrupted sleep, and lack of movement to name a few.

The basics of how bacteria and viruses work to make us sick is that they get into our systems via different pathways mouth, eyes, stomach, cuts in the skin. The viruses or bacteria then start to produce toxins, this triggers the immune response that can damage tissues. This damage to the tissues usually has two routes it can kill the cells, or it disrupts the function of that cell. They then begin to replicate and crowd host tissue, and this also disrupts function of the cells and cascades in a not so favourable way. The immune system will be sensing this disturbance and will go to work as quickly as it can, but sometimes the invader (bacteria or virus) just can move a little quicker at the beginning.

We have in the last couple of months increased our awareness that this microscopic world exists and that it is fundamental to our health, as this holds the keys to be quite disruptive if things get out of sync.

We have a solution and strategies to help you to create a healthier environment in your house by employing good bacteria (probiotics). These good bacteria go to work to help eliminate the bad bacteria, because the good guys compete for the same resources and eventually the bad guys die. It is a totally new concept as we normally think of cleaning as trying to kill all bacteria not to add more.

It is a similar concept to taking a probiotic for your gut after you have had a course of antibiotics. Think of the disinfectants as an antibiotic and PureBiotics as the probiotic to help restore the balance.

It is simple, you can clean normally as you do and then use the PureBiotics Mist to walk through the house just misting all over the place no wiping required or you can switch your normal cleaners for the PureBiotics All Purpose Cleaner and get the power of the bacteria working on those harder to clean surfaces.

We would love for you to try the product so for the month of June we are offering a 10% discount. We also have refill stations at the practices if you have 250ml bottles at home that you would like to recycle just make sure it is clean and dry and come get them filled as this is also a cheaper option.

Happy Cleaning,

Dr. Lindsay