Dr Ingrid's Wellness Tips

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So a virus threw our routine out the window… sort of. However the sun comes up and goes down every day - guiding us to wake in the new day and rest as the day ends. Here are a few tips on keeping some simple routines and how that can keep us feeling our best and why.

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Our Circadian Rhythm

Many of our body’s physiological and biochemical processes are reliant on our response to light and dark. This is what we call our circadian rhythm. The more we keep in tune with the body’s ideal circadian rhythm - ie going to bed about 9-10pm and getting up about 7- 8 hours later, the better our bodies can regulate hormones that affect sleep, blood sugar levels, temperature and mood. The body naturally starts producing more Melatonin when it gets dark increasing at about 10pm, making us sleepy and lowering our body temperature. As the sun rises, Melatonin production drops off and cortisol production picks up, waking us up.

  1. Aim to go to bed and get up at a similar time each day - aiming to be in bed by 10.30pm by the latest. That gives you a shot at getting 7-8 hours in the best time of the night.

  2. Limit screen time in the evening, particularly 2 hours before bed.  The blue light from screens over-stimulates the nervous system.

  3. Relax before bed. Read or feet up a wall for 5 minutes and watching your slow deep breath is great - try to make your inhales and exhales longer as you go.

  4. Watch the Caffiene. Keep coffee to the morning 1-2 is ok.  Dark chocolate will also keep you awake.

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Movement - Just DO it!

Move Every Day. Luckily we live rurally and in a warm climate, so can generally get outside everyday. But for those for whatever reason who are confined to a smaller space, you might have stairs you can go up many times a day, a piece of floor to stretch on or doorways to stretch into. 

Get off the couch!! Your nervous system will awaken and love you for it!  Get away from the screen and find ways to move that body. We’ll put links on community groups offering classes up on our Facebook page and Instagram. Variety is good!!

Never underestimate the simplicity and benefit of a brisk walk - 20-30min a day.

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Like sleeping - stay in some routine. Breakfast, lunch, dinner with minimal snacks. Take time to prepare nourishing food - and then stop, sit down either alone or with those in your bubble and enjoy it. No screens, chew and be aware of the tastes and textures of your food. Be GRATEFUL :)))

Like movement - get creative. You now are blessed with more time than you otherwise may normally have - try new recipes and use seasonal produce, minimise waste :)

Favourite thing for me right now - Figs and Pears, Full Moon Bakery Sourdough.

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Working - from home

Set yourself up as ergonomically well as possible - home often means a laptop and a less than ideal set up. There are some good online resources on our Facebook page to assist with angles and heights. Otherwise stand some of the day at a bench, lie on the floor, mix it up.

Give yourself start and end times and regular breaks - ideally get up every 30 minutes and move away from your desk.

Doorway stretches are good - arms either side of the door frame - body quite straight - then lean into the door way - opening up your chest and arms - stay and breathe for 5 slow breathes.